approx 6min 30sec
Welcome to TravelTalkRADIO
This week in the United States, families and friends will gather at the family dinner table to give thanks. This tradition stems from the first meal shared between native Americans and the new pilgrims. It was an amazing symbol of celebrating diversity and friendship. In essence it is the mantra we have carried throughout each show we have produced in the past 13 years.
Please help us continue the message and support our sponsors who make this programming possible. Here is the TravelTalkRADIO and BusinessTravelRADIO Mantra
• Extend your hand in friendship.
• Revere the environment.
• Celebrate diversity.
• And finally let's have some serious fun together!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week whether you officially celebrate or not. We here at TravelTalkMEDIA are very grateful to you for joining us.
This week in the United States, families and friends will gather at the family dinner table to give thanks. This tradition stems from the first meal shared between native Americans and the new pilgrims. It was an amazing symbol of celebrating diversity and friendship. In essence it is the mantra we have carried throughout each show we have produced in the past 13 years.
Please help us continue the message and support our sponsors who make this programming possible. Here is the TravelTalkRADIO and BusinessTravelRADIO Mantra
• Extend your hand in friendship.
• Revere the environment.
• Celebrate diversity.
• And finally let's have some serious fun together!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week whether you officially celebrate or not. We here at TravelTalkMEDIA are very grateful to you for joining us.

Thanks for joining us! Buckle your seatbelt for another informative program!
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