Travelers' Health has a new app available. See information below for
more details. Also, the CDC dengue CE course is now available. For more
information on the dengue CE course and other CE courses visit:
Can I Eat This?
Montezuma’s revenge, Delhi belly, or travelers’ diarrhea—whatever you call it, it can ruin your international trip. Help prevent travelers’ diarrhea by using CDC’s Can I Eat This? app. Select the country you’re in and answer a few simple questions about what you’re thinking about eating or drinking, and Can I Eat This? will tell you whether it’s likely to be safe. With Can I Eat This?, you can be more confident that your food and drink choices won’t make you spend your international trip in the bathroom.

Can I Eat This?
Montezuma’s revenge, Delhi belly, or travelers’ diarrhea—whatever you call it, it can ruin your international trip. Help prevent travelers’ diarrhea by using CDC’s Can I Eat This? app. Select the country you’re in and answer a few simple questions about what you’re thinking about eating or drinking, and Can I Eat This? will tell you whether it’s likely to be safe. With Can I Eat This?, you can be more confident that your food and drink choices won’t make you spend your international trip in the bathroom.

Thank you,
Kate Spruit-McGoff
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Kate Spruit-McGoff Nurse Consultant for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Travelers’ Health Branch |