Friday, March 26, 2010

Mike Mendoza from Mike Mendoza show just called. I'm on at 7:15PM

Come to
Mike and I have been calling on each other for years. His show is live from the UK and we will be talking about the Middle East tonight. If you have not yet heard Mike, I think you will enjoy his dry humor and his robust conversations. The show will be archives on his site and I believe our board here at TravelTalkRADIO will be capturing it too.
Hope you can drop by.

Sree is guest on BusinessTravelRADIO with Sandy Dhuyvetter

His fame and his name make him easy to find. Sree sreenivasan "sree sree-knee-VAH-sun"
was tauted as one of the 25 most important people to follow on twitter.
He made a fantastic guest, sharing some important information.
On TravelTalkRADIO he gave a compelling story for the leisure traveler and why social media might very well be in your future if it not already!

On BusinessTravelRADIO he was about business and specifically the travel business and the impact of social media.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


This morning I have a conversation with Hurt Locker's actor, Christopher Sayegh. Chris played Beckham and got his first taste of Hollywood. A Jordanian/American, Christopher is an accomplished athlete and musician. Archives will be up directly after show.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Roger Dow, President of the US Travel Association joins me to discuss Travel Promotion Act

US Travel Promotion Act levels International playing field for tourism
I catch up with Roger Dow, President of the US Travel Association for his message on President Obama's having signed into law the US Travel Promotion Act and why this "levels the playing field" with other foreign travel and tourism destinations.